How to get the most out of a networking event

Whether you’re a social butterfly or a learn-and-absorb type, there is SO much potential awaiting you at networking events. Here’s how to make the most it…

No doubt about it. Actively participating in Melbourne networking events brings so many benefits for your business. Each event offers potential to build connections that last a lifetime, get useful mentorship in areas you need it, sharpen your skills (even subconsciously, as you sink into all this successful-business-goodness), and find golden opportunities for clever collaboration.

To put it simply, there is so much more to networking events than wine, cheese and door prizes (though you better believe we have all of that at our events too!).

The truth is: the more effort you put into networking and connecting with business owners in your community, the bigger the boost you will get from it, both personally and professionally. As an entrepreneur, your time is the most valuable resource you have, so when you’re spending precious hours at a networking event, it’s best to set yourself up for connection-building success.

Here’s how to network at an event successfully — so you leave feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to tackle business with some new friends in your corner.

Take a pre-event peek

We all love a social media stalk, and what better time than when you’re about to meet new faces? Allocate some intentional social media time to scroll through your digital community, the event organisers, etc and you’ll discover the people in their orbit to build hype for who you’ll see.

Step out of your bubble

Let’s be real: everyone gets a little bit nervous before (or during) a networking event. You’re not the only one wondering how to network with people! Someone has to break the ice, so let it be you.

Step outside your comfort zone to introduce yourself to someone new (or meet that legend you saw on social media); be forthcoming with your own valuable expertise; and aim to find real connections based on mutual support. If you’re still uneasy, don’t stress — the event hosts are humans too, and can always lead the way with an initial connection to get you going. Just ask.

Connect, support and share

Time flies when a bunch of like-minded humans are having fun, so keep the buzz alive after you step out the door of the event too. Here are four ways to connect, support and share the love with the business owners you’ve just met:

  1. Follow their business social media accounts. Show your face in the comments, double-tap some love hearts, and keep up regularly!

  2. Subscribe to the email newsletters of those you connected with — especially those who have achieved big, beautiful, inspirational things.

  3. Refer their business to a friend or colleague when the perfect opportunity arises.

  4. Make the first move on collaborations. Reach out to discuss all those game-changing business ideas that arose when you met!

Meet your local network, with the Kingston Collective

Small business life is better when we stick together, and there’s no one who understands your business like those who live, work, or play in your local area. If you’re looking for a Melbourne business network, join us at Kingston Collective!

We’re an engaged collective of community go-getters, inspiring each other in business and beyond. If you’re managing a business in or around Kingston, you already belong — so come enjoy the connections that await you! Join our membership (and get in on our Kingston events) here.


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